It is good to pay tribute to famous Christians from time to time. It reminds us that the faithful ministers/evangelists far outweigh the few who have been unfaithful. Billy Graham is one who spoke to millions of people over more than fifty years of ministry. God blessed him and used him in great ways. His main years were the last half of the twentieth century.

I’m not a “Grahamite”, but I have to say I’ve been influenced by him all my life. My mother took me to one of his crusades in Columbus in 1963. Of course his crusades were frequently on television over the years. In 1971 I had a unique and unlikely opportunity to shake his hand in Los Angeles. (That’s a long story.) In 1972 he spoke at a large Christian gathering of teens and college kids in Dallas, Texas where I was in attendance. (Explo 72). In 1993 I helped with church follow- up for a Columbus crusade, and in 1994 Lori and I attended his School of Evangelism in Alberta, Canada.

Finally, just two weeks ago, Lori and I attended a conference at The Cove in North Carolina, a Billy Graham training center. So you see what I mean about multiple influences over my life! He was a farm boy who ended up speaking to more people than any other man in history. He was a faithful evangelist, author, and even spiritual counselor to presidents of both parties. He was a loyal family man, humble and mightily used by God. It is estimated that millions of people came to faith in Christ through his ministry. Though the Bible was attacked through the time of his ministry, he continually said “The Bible says…” That was his authority. He died in 2018 at the age of 99. His ministry continues through his Association and his family.

The conference we attended spoke about the birth of the church and the current cultural challenges facing us. Paganism is rampant, just as in the days of Rome when the church was born. Eventually, Christianity became the largest faith on the planet, thanks to Spirit-filled men and women in every age, who preached the gospel and salvation in Jesus.

We have a great legacy, but we are no longer in the Billy Graham Generation. We have always faced enemies, but once again, the culture and the government are working against us. Tolerance for us is vanishing, even as so called “tolerance” for sin is increasing. How dare we speak truth about evil thinking and practices! Yet, that is the prophetic role of the church. In the process of speaking truth about God and about Jesus, the only name by which we can be saved, we will discover those “who are being saved” by God’s grace.

The message at the church’s birth is still the message the world needs to hear today: there is one true God and he sent a Savior to save us from sin. Peter said we should call on His name and “be saved from this corrupt generation”. Jesus is still the Way, the Truth and the Life. He is still the Answer. As Billy quoted many times, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.” John 3:16.

Lord, today we thank you for Christian leaders through the ages who have boldly spoken your Word to this world. They would be the first to give You credit for the achievements they were part of. We thank you that 90% of Christian leaders are faithful and humble people. Though none are perfect, most are submitted to you. Help us to be faithful in our day and remain committed and submitted to you for whatever roles you call us! Help us to be faithful in our families, our churches, and our communities.

Lord, we thank you for all our faithful local leaders who have kept your church functioning for centuries. They are unsung heroes without whom we would be spiritually impoverished. Bless our current pastors, elders and ministry leaders and anoint them in their ministries.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.