It seems ironic to me that the very people who think the Kingdom of God is wishful thinking have put their faith in a flawed and hopeless idea of utopia on earth. While that has taken many forms through history, the last hundred years it is embodied in Communism/Socialism. Make no mistake! Utopia and God’s kingdom are opposites at war with one another. Communism/Socialism has no room for God’s authority because that would interfere with social engineering and the power of the state. We see it around us every day. The radicals who espouse socialism are also against God’s morality and commandments. Income redistribution is simply theft and covetousness sanctioned by government. It has destroyed several countries over the last one hundred years. But the other problem is, socialists want you to forget our history and the history of failed socialist experiments.
Critical race theory is one of the latest incarnations of socialism. Don’t be fooled! It is critical that you not be taken in by a theory that sows division and promotes envy and even hatred. It opposes even the traditional Civil Rights Movement of Dr. Martin Luther King and others, who were Christian, not socialist.
While people around us are being led like sheep, we need to keep our feet firmly planted in the Scriptures and God’s unchanging “self-evident truths that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights”. In this season between Flag Day and the Fourth of July, we realize that God has blessed our nation in the past for holding on to truths like that.
But we repent that the faith of so many has left the Bible and the Kingdom of God in our generation. Utopia always fails. But the kingdom of God is forever! It offers “righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit” in this life (Romans 14:17); and eternal life in the heavenly city that will one day flood the whole earth with peace and righteousness. We pray for America to bless God once again and not put hope in false systems that always fail, and often result in tyranny and persecution of people of faith.
As much as I love the song, perhaps it is not right to ask that “God Bless America” until America once again recognizes the Creator. On the other hand, there are a good many believers in this country that God will bless and protect within our efforts to serve Him and his present kingdom, the Church.
Lord, we know we do not live in a perfect country, but it has been a country that recognized you for nearly two hundred years. As a result you blessed us. Thank you for those who fought for freedom according to our Declaration and Constitution. Thank you for those who fought to end slavery. Thank you for those who fought to end segregation. Thank you for those who fought to end tyranny around the world. The red of the flag reminds us of their sacrifice. Lord, it’s always humbling to meet someone with a Purple Heart because of an injury serving our country.
Lord, we repent for the way our country has left you in the last fifty years. We are now reaping bitter fruit. Forgive us and cleanse our land. Lord, have mercy on us in the midst of judgments that must come. May your judgments expose evil and corruption. May your mercy restore righteousness, peace and joy. Please give us a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.