There’s an old saying that if you start in the wrong place you’ll end up in the wrong place. That’s the problem with confusion in our society today. It seems like most thinking today begins with man: he is the measure of all things. Instead of beginning with God and His unchanging truth, reasoning today seems to begin with human thinking. I heard a refreshing sermon on truth yesterday from Dr. David Jeremiah. The Truth of God is where we must start. Godless thinking is behind the confusion we see today: abortion in the name of women’s rights? Fifty years of increasing pornography in the name of freedom of speech? Immorality and broken families in the name of free love? Gender confusion promoted in godless schools? The seeds of the last generation are bearing bitter fruit. 

Such confusion is all part of spiritual warfare. II Corinthians 10:3 says that “We have divine power to tear down strongholds and every pretension (idea) that sets itself up against the knowledge of God. And we take every thought and make it obedient to Christ.” In reality that is where we find truth and true freedom. Half the country is divided and confused. Feminism now threatened by transgenderism. Racism to combat racism. Have nots versus the haves. Rioters for hire on Twitter. The total sellout of major media to a not-so-hidden agenda. Multiculturalism has led to uncritical and illogical thinking. People are afraid to call evil what it is. Indeed, without God you cannot know evil.

But there is good news. All this was predicted. God is in control, even as judgment comes upon evil and ungodliness. Just read Romans 1. The church of believers will be persecuted, but also protected through persecution, and a last ingathering will take place. Whether it be revival or rapture, we have blessed hope. 

Who is the Mastermind behind the confusion? None other than the Master Deceiver, Master of Disaster, Father of Lies and Source of Evil—Satan. But, his time is limited. All hell breaks loose, but only for a time. “God will rescue me from every evil attack” as Paul wrote in II Timothy 4:18, “and bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom.”

Peter also reminds us of God’s specialty; “The Lord knows how to rescue godly people from trials and to hold the unrighteous for the Day of Judgment.” There will be perilous times in the last days and scoffers, but they will all stand before God.

Lord, thank you for rescuing us from evil times. Thank you for informing us of Truth. Indeed, you are the Truth. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Thank you that the power of evil is limited and temporary. But your power is unlimited and eternal.

Help us to use our divine weapons and power to tear down strongholds of unbelief and error. Help us to use this opportunity to bring sanity to a confused world. Help us to overcome evil with good, and hate with love. But help us not to compromise our beliefs with those who are broken and confused.

Lord, turn the hearts of people toward you. Help them to seek absolute truth instead of popular and politically correct fads. In the meantime, rescue us from Satan’s schemes. Deliver us into the peaceful kingdom where you are! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.