Summary of this week's sermon
Every week we want to have a 5 day devotional recapping our previous sermon so we can grow deeper together.
This past Sunday we began our new series on Apologetics, entitled: "Tell Me Why?"
Day 1: The Beginning of Everything
Have you ever stood at the edge of the Grand Canyon or gazed up at a star-filled sky and wondered, 'How did all this begin?' It's a question that has intrigued humans throughout history. When we look at the vastness of our universe, we're confronted with an amazing truth - everything had a beginning. Just as a painting needs a painter, our universe needs a creator. This simple yet profound reality points us toward God. The complexity and majesty of creation isn't random; it's intentional. Today, take a moment to observe the world around you. Notice the intricate details in nature, the precise patterns in creation, and consider the magnificent mind behind it all.
Bible Verse
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. - Genesis 1:1
Reflection Question
What aspects of creation most strongly remind you of God's presence and power?
The world exists and had a beginning, and something had to cause it.
Creator God, open my eyes to see Your handiwork in the world around me. Help me to recognize Your presence in both the grand and subtle details of Your creation. Thank You for revealing Yourself through what You have made. Amen.
Day 2: Looking With Open Eyes
Sometimes we miss what's right in front of us simply because we're not looking for it. Like a person searching for their glasses while wearing them, we can overlook the obvious signs of God's presence in our world. Evidence of God's existence surrounds us, but we must be willing to see it. From the precise orbit of planets to the intricate design of a butterfly's wing, God's fingerprints are everywhere. Today, approach your world with fresh eyes. Look for God's signature in the ordinary moments of your day. You might be surprised by how clearly He reveals Himself when you're actually looking.
Bible Verse
The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. - Psalm 19:1
Reflection Question
What prevents you from recognizing God's presence in your daily life?
To see evidence for God, you must be willing to look for evidence of God.
Lord, remove any blindness that keeps me from seeing You. Give me eyes that recognize Your presence and a heart that's open to Your reality. Help me to see You in both the extraordinary and the everyday. Amen.
Day 3: The Marvel of Design
Consider the human brain - a masterpiece of engineering that outperforms our most advanced computers. Its complexity and capability point to something beyond random chance. Every neuron, every connection serves a purpose, working in harmony to create consciousness, memory, and thought. This remarkable design isn't limited to our brains; it's evident throughout nature. From the precise distance of Earth from the sun to the intricate dance of ecosystems, we see patterns that suggest purpose. These aren't coincidences; they're signatures of a master Designer who crafted everything with intention and wisdom.
Bible Verse
For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. - Romans 1:20
Reflection Question
How does understanding the complexity of creation strengthen your faith in God's existence?
The circuitry of a machine more wonderful than any devised by humans.
Divine Designer, thank You for the wonder of Your creation. Help me appreciate the intricate details that point to Your existence. Increase my awareness of Your careful craftsmanship in everything around me. Amen.
Day 4: The Moral Compass Within
Why do we feel guilty when we lie? Why does injustice make us angry? These universal moral reactions point to something deeper than social conditioning or evolutionary development. We all share an innate sense of right and wrong, a moral compass that transcends culture and time. This internal standard suggests a moral law giver - God Himself. When we recognize unfairness or feel convicted about our actions, we're experiencing evidence of God's moral law written on our hearts. It's a divine signature that speaks to His existence and His character.
Bible Verse
Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law, since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts. - Romans 2:14-15
Reflection Question
How does your sense of right and wrong reflect God's character and existence?
We wouldn't know injustice if there was no absolute sense of justice.
Righteous God, thank You for giving us a moral compass that points to You. Help me listen to and follow Your guidance in distinguishing right from wrong. May my life reflect Your righteousness. Amen.
Day 5: Beyond Reason to Faith
Even the most brilliant minds throughout history have found themselves face-to-face with the reality of God. After climbing the mountains of scientific discovery and philosophical reasoning, they often encounter something - or Someone - beyond pure logic. Faith and reason aren't opponents; they're companions on our journey to understanding God. While we can find compelling evidence for God's existence, ultimately He invites us into a relationship that transcends mere intellectual agreement. Today, consider how your own journey of faith and reason has led you closer to God.
Bible Verse
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. - John 1:1
Reflection Question
How has your understanding of God grown through both faith and reason?
He has scaled the mountains of ignorance. He is about to conquer the highest peak. As he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries.
Eternal God, thank You for revealing Yourself through both reason and faith. Help me to grow in both my understanding and trust of You. Draw me closer to You through every discovery and question. Amen.